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Suitable Tank Mates for Betta Splendens

Here are a few suggestions. Please keep in mind that many bettas are different and some may get along fine with these fish where others will not.

 Cherry Barb
 Clown Loach
 Zebra Danio
 White Cloud Minnow
 Cory Cats (Corydoras)
 Cardinal/Neon Tetra
 Bala Shark**

*Some Bettas have been known to eat these, others have not. 
 I have successfully kept many females and a male with
them, but others have not.
**Will eventually grow very large and may become a danger to your betta(s)

Just keep in mind that bettas have long fins so keep away from any fin-nipping fish. I have heard of people keeping them with Angelfish, but I have heard many horror stories as well. When keeping female bettas in a tank together, remember to give them plenty of hiding places and plant life to hide in. Java Moss is a good choice for this.
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Last update:
  September 30, 2000 11:22 AM CST

Since September 29th, 2000

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