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Symptoms : Bloated abdomen, protruding scales, loss of appetite and lethargic.
Info : Dropsy is a very fatal disease. Dropsy is caused by a bacterial infection of the kidneys. Fluid accumulation and/or renal failure will occur. This is what causes the fish to bloat and the scales to protrude. This disease will attack weakened fish, so post-spawn time is a very important time to keep their water clean. This is a very deadly disease and only a small percentage of fish survive it. Only then when it has been caught early. If you notice your betta swelling up and not eating, even if the scales are not protruding, I would treat them ASAP.
Treatments : Tetracycline, Maracyn 2, Antibiotic food (if they will eat it)
Prevention : You can prevent Dropsy by keeping your bettas in fresh, clean water.
*Copper can eventually lead to  poisoning. Water should be gradually changed after they have been cured.
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Last update:
  September 25, 2000 01:37 AM CST

Since September 29th, 2000

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